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- Family and Community Land Titles: the best strategy to advance and protect women’s land rights.294.07 KBNovember 7, 2014Downloads: 350
- Using ‘Visioning’ to Build a Positive Foundation for Community Land Protection9.40 MBJune 7, 2014Downloads: 260
- Wetland and communal land fact finding assessment report, Lango-Sub Region3.11 MBOctober 7, 2012Downloads: 283
- LEMU’s Response to Land Registration Process in Uganda549.12 KBAugust 12, 2024Downloads: 79
On 8th August 2024, Daily Monitor published a “New 4-step land titling” process adopted by the Government of Uganda to improve the process of land registration in the country, with the aim of attaining economic development.
- Our Land Our Future! What does this statement mean to people who depend on land?628.77 KBJune 5, 2024Downloads: 128
- Good Practices and Lessons learnt from the field during the implementation of the RGIL project in Dokolo and Amolatar Districts3.48 MBDecember 12, 2023Downloads: 497
- LEMU’s presentation during the National Land Policy Platform Meeting425.49 KBDecember 12, 2023Downloads: 318
- Gender Sensitive Toolkit for Land and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)660.42 KBDecember 12, 2023Downloads: 521
- Lessons from the Field on Conflict Resolution in Community Land Protection848.32 KBNovember 11, 2023Downloads: 417
- A decade of LEMU’s contribution towards implementation of NLP (2013- 2023)425.49 KBNovember 8, 2023Downloads: 371
- Position paper on review of continued conversion of customary land tenure441.61 KBNovember 8, 2023Downloads: 482
- Gender Sensitive Toolkit For Land and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)1.00 MBNovember 6, 2023Downloads: 292
- The proposed Land Act Amendment and its implications for customary land in Uganda557.30 KBOctober 7, 2023Downloads: 364
- Policy brief July 4 on article 26 of constitutional amendment, as sent Ker Kwaro Acholi, through Matthew466.56 KBOctober 7, 2023Downloads: 305
- Policy Discussion Paper 4: Does customary tenure have a role in modern economic development?63.04 KBOctober 7, 2023Downloads: 386
- What land rights do people have under the rules of customary tenure293.51 KBMarch 15, 2022Downloads: 309
- Can Rural Karimojong suceed in protecting their communal land, 2018 lessons learnt Policy Brief 2018?236.64 KBDecember 7, 2018Downloads: 300
- The Tragedy of the owners of the commons – Lessons learnt in Karamoja by LEMU462.54 KBFebruary 5, 2018Downloads: 335
- The tragedy of the owners of the commons, lessons learnt in Karamoja by LEMU revised for districts155.05 KBFebruary 5, 2018Downloads: 331
- Ask these questions to promoters of current titles and certificates, as sent to board99.09 KBJanuary 8, 2018Downloads: 278
- Certificates of Customary Ownership (CCOs) Are Not What They Seem on the Surface: Risks to CCOs339.97 KBMay 9, 2017Downloads: 489
- Family and Community Land Titles: the best strategy to advance and protect women’s land rights.294.07 KBNovember 7, 2014Downloads: 350
- Using ‘Visioning’ to Build a Positive Foundation for Community Land Protection9.40 MBJune 7, 2014Downloads: 260
- Wetland and communal land fact finding assessment report, Lango-Sub Region3.11 MBOctober 7, 2012Downloads: 283
- Charting the way for effective land dispute resolution in Uganda726.82 KBMarch 7, 2012Downloads: 559
- Understanding and strengthening women’s land rights under customary tenure in Uganda231.70 KBApril 7, 2011Downloads: 485
- Understanding and strengthening women’s land rights under customary tenure in Uganda234.02 KBApril 7, 2011Downloads: 244
- Compulsory acquisition – Pressure from development actors and investors120.21 KBAugust 7, 2009Downloads: 273
- Compulsory acquisition – Challenges of finding land for development130.96 KBAugust 7, 2009Downloads: 324
- Compulsory acquisition – How local authority can promote development154.77 KBAugust 7, 2009Downloads: 315
- Compulsory acquisition – How districts can support leases and rentals203.35 KBAugust 7, 2009Downloads: 298
- Compulsory acquisition – How districts can support leases and rentals districts for land for development127.05 KBAugust 7, 2009Downloads: 373
- What land rights do people have under the rules of customary tenure?293.51 KBMarch 7, 2009Downloads: 386
- How can women’s land rights be best protected in the National Land Policy?276.19 KBFebruary 7, 2009Downloads: 306
- How can women’s land rights be best protected in the National Land Policy?279.47 KBFebruary 7, 2009Downloads: 236
- Fighting the wrong battles? Towards a new paradigm in the struggle for women’s land rights in Uganda200.74 KBDecember 7, 2008Downloads: 268
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