Conflict Resolution LEMU for Community
Conflict Resolution
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Mediation Meeting LEMU Mediation Meeting Get More Details Mediation meeting between
an Investor and the
Boundary verification in Awer Forest Reserve Boundary verification in
Awer Forest Reserve
Gender Based Violence Community meeting
organized by LEMU
Gender Based Violence LEMU Against Gender
Based Violence



An empowered and flourishing society with securely held and productive land.


LEMU supports vulnerable communities in Uganda to secure their land rights under customary tenure and to achieve sustainable and productive land use.

Protecting customary Land


Land and Equity Movement in Uganda is a Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisation. We have been working since 2003 to uphold and secure the land rights of the most vulnerable people in Uganda, using our expertise in customary tenure.

In defence of customary tenure

Customary land ownership simply means that someone (or a group of people) owns or has rights to the land, because their community accepts that they all have rights to it…
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LEMU Promotes Responsible Investment on Land

The strategic approach of the project aims at strengthening the capacities of key stakeholders and improve investment inland.
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Championing Women’s Land Rights

Women’s land rights under customary tenure are widely misunderstood. Although the tenure incorporates protections for women, in some…
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Community land protection

To date, LEMU has successfully worked with a number of communities to document their own rules regarding the management of their communal land…
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Minutes of community meeting to generate the rules/constitution in Kongorok village in Kongorok parish Amudat District.

Community members to generate the rules in Kongorok village

March 8, 2022 Actvivities 0

Purpose of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to come up with the laws/ rules on how best we can protect the land...

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A brief report on community meeting to generate/ popularise the community constitutions in Komun Village, Nakonyen Parish, Kongorok Sub County Amudat district

Popularizing the community constitutions in Komun Village

March 8, 2022 Actvivities 0

The key issues that were discussed during the meeting included highlighting traditional rules, leaders’ elections, and the community reactions towards the end of the meeting....

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Minutes of Nagoliet community meeting on generation and popularization of the rules/constitution

Community meeting on generation and popularization of the constitution

March 8, 2022 Actvivities 0

The opening remarks were made by the LCI. He greeted and welcomed everyone in the name of Christ and said that it is not the...

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Let’s make land work for us all

Audio on responsible investments (Luo / Langi)

Hotline alert for community-investor conflicts (Swahili)

Hotline alert for community-investor conflicts (Pokot )

Hotline alert for community-investor conflicts (English )

Hotline alert for community-investor conflicts (Ateso )

Hotline alert for community-investor conflicts (Kumam )